Tuesday, 28 June 2016

My Good Intentions.

We all have good intentions whether it’s to make your day productive around the house or to exercise more we all set ourselves tasks to achieve that we don't quite accomplish or procrastinate over. Mine is my Blog!! When I started it I had full intentions and well made plans on how to keep it running and regularly post about my scrapping adventures as i really wanted to try and join a Design Team but like most others I just let it slip away. 

Everything else always seemed to get in the way and somewhere along the way I lost my physical crafting mojo!! What is that you ask?? Well I still love crafting but it morphed into more of a watch and buy hobby where I don't actually do any physical crafting. Don't get me wrong I host lots of scrapbooking, workshops and go to a regular craft group but I just don't seem to get anything done. I love watching others craft and buying the really cool products they use (in hope I get inspired to use them) but I rarely actually made anything or if I did it just didn't make it to a complete product. 

I also LOVE to watch YouTube videos of other people card making or scrapbooking (I will post links to my faves at the end) and this inspires me to go buy new things to try. When I buy these new things I am rarely the first or even second person to use them it’s usually one of my crafty friends who come to my house to scrap that ends up christening my new toys and then they sit and sit in my craft space gathering dust (the toys that is not my craft friends :P).

A couple of years ago I fell completely in love with Heidi Swapp as you may have already read in a previous post. I went out and purchased all her lovely products new and old (which took some tracking down) watched all of her My Craft Channel Video's and even met her at a Spotlight tour she did a couple years ago and to be 100% completely honest i have probably only used 5% of the yummy goodies and made only a few of the projects that I purchased all this stuff for and then even half of those are still sitting unfinished. I even tried her online class Capture 30 (which inspired me to start this Blog and you know how that turned out) to get me motivated to get up off my but and do stuff but I feel like I'm stuck in this huge rut and cant get out.

I see people ask on craft groups "How do i get my mojo back?" or "How do you get inspired to craft?" and the immediate response from others in the group always seems to be Pinterest, Google and YouTube but I know for me that has done nothing but hinder my recovery. I will spend hrs watching YouTube and a small amount of time on Pinterest (I find it to over whelming) but all i seem to do is  just..........well this... nothing!!

It's time to build myself a ladder, a bridge or what ever so I can get over this slump and climb out of the rut i have so comfortably dug myself. The only way I see myself doing this is with sheer determination and effort. There is no quick fix or solution to the state im in I just need to do it One Day at a Time ( I stole this from Heidi its her new mantra) one step at a time!! My first step is to plan for tomorrow. Get something out that needs finishing and actually FINISH it. So here goes wish me luck!!